Performance GMC Cadillac Columbus

Feb 17, 2023

Catalytic converter | Performance GMC Cadillac Columbus near Lancaster, OHA catalytic converter is designed to reduce automobile pollution. It does this by converting dangerous chemicals produced by combustion into less harmful ones. The converter is a very tough component and will usually last at least ten years. If it becomes worn or damaged, your Cadillac dealer can install a new one. These are a few signs that your converter needs replacement.

Signs You Need a New Catalytic Converter from Your GMC Dealer

Poor Acceleration

Over time, byproducts from the conversion process can accumulate in the converter and block it. A blockage in the converter prevents exhaust gases from leaving through the tailpipe. Exhaust gases will be pushed back into your engine and create back pressure. Your engine has to work harder to overcome this unexpected pressure, and this reduces your acceleration and uses more fuel.
You can test for a block converter by holding your hand a short distance from the tailpipe. Shift your transmission to neutral and ask someone to step on the accelerator until your RPMs reach at least 2000. If you feel very little outflow from the tailpipe, you have a blocked converter. Our technicians will examine your converter and remove the blockage.

Black Exhaust Smoke

If your exhaust is pumping out black smoke, you could have a damaged converter. The black smoke has a strong sulfur smell, and its presence means your converter isn’t converting the combustion gases. The converter could be failing due to age, or it could have been damaged. Problems in the engine that affect the converter include bad spark plugs, a clogged air filter, or a fuel-rich engine.
Although the above problems are different, they all result in flawed combustion. If the contents of a cylinder don’t ignite correctly, most of the fuel in the cylinder won’t burn. The hot, unburnt fuel will be dumped into the converter, raising its internal temperature. The additional heat from the fuel, combined with the high operating temperature of the converter can damage it. We’ll examine your converter and replace it if necessary.

Rattling Noises

Rattling noises from a converter are usually a sign that its internal structure is breaking down. Converters have a honeycomb structure that is very efficient for converting gases. Age or damage can cause cracks to form in the honeycomb, and pieces can break off.
Damage to the honeycomb weakens the converter and reduces its efficiency. The broken pieces will move around inside the converter and produce a rattling noise when you’re driving. We can’t repair its internal structure, but we can replace the converter to fix this problem.

If your converter shows signs of damage or failure, call our service department right away at Performance GMC Cadillac Columbus. Our GMC and Cadillac-trained technicians can fix any problem for you.